Biblical Texts in Light of the Qur’an & Ahlulbayt

This course, instructed by Sayed Mohammed Hassan Alsheraa, comprises of 8 classes examining the Old Testament and the Four Gospels through Islamic theology and jurisprudence, analyzing their interpretation in light of the Quran and Ahlulbayt (a) teachings, addressing the following questions

How does Islam interpret the crucifixion of Jesus (Isa)?

What are the core beliefs of Judaism and early Christianity according to their scriptures?

How does the Quran correct or reinterpret biblical narratives?

What is Islam's view on the authority and preservation of earlier scriptures?

How do law and ethics in the Torah & Gospels compare to Islamic law?

What is Islam's perspective on Paul's influence in shaping Christian theology and his interpretation of Jesus' mission?

This course meets Fridays at 7 pm EST, starting on January 3 and ending on February 21.



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Biblical Texts in Light of the Qur’an & Ahlulbayt

2018 Al-Hujjah Islamic Seminary