This online course examines the biography and life of Imam Ali (a).
This course sheds light on the biography of the Commander of the Faithful, Imam Ali bin Abi Talib (as). The greatest personality in Islam after the Holy Prophet (s) is Imam Ali, thus it is important to analyze his life and history. Many aspects of the Imam’s life are discussed, such as his parents, birth and childhood, his life with Rasoolollah, his marriage to Fatima Al-Zahra (as), the incidents that occurred after the Prophet’s death, Imam Ali’s role during the rule of the first three Caliphs, his Khilafa and much more. This online course is instructed by Sayed Ahmad Qazwini, and it is available to view any time.
Content of this Course

Sayed Ahmad al-Qazwini
Sayed Ahmad has been studying in the Seminary of Qom for over ten years. He is a speaker and lecturer, and he also teaches a number of courses at the seminary in Qom.