Practical Irfan 01 sees life as a journey towards Allah with many stations and routes. This class examines some of them.

The science of Irfan is divided into theoretical and practical Irfan. This course is about practical Irfan. Also called “Sair wa Suluk”, practical Irfan sees life as a journey towards Allah with many stations and routes. Students learn how to better know and seek nearness to Allah through purifying one’s soul and actions. What are the steps, stations and obstacles that a spiritual wayfarer must be aware of? How can one reach the highest levels of servitude to Allah? These topics and more are discussed in this class. This online course is instructed by Sayed Ahmad Qazwini, and it is available for viewing any time.

Content of this Course

21 Hours of Education


Sayed Ahmad al-Qazwini

Sayed Ahmad has been studying in the Seminary of Qom for over ten years. He is a speaker and lecturer, and he also teaches a number of courses at the seminary in Qom.

Practical Irfan 01

Cost of Education


Number of Students



21h 19m