This online course examines the history of the development of the Shia school of thought until the era of Imam Jawad (a).

This class covers the history of the development of the Shia school of thought. It examines the history of Islam starting from the life of Prophet Muhammad (s) until the era of Imam Jawad (a). This online course is instructed by Sayed Saleh al-Qazwini.

Content of this Course

58 Hours of Education


Sayed Saleh al-Qazwini

Sayed Saleh studied in the Seminary of Qom from 2006-2013, and he recently completed an MA in Near Eastern Studies from Wayne State University. He also completed a BA in Sociology from the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. He is a speaker and lecturer.

Development of the Shia School of Thought - 01

Cost of Education


Number of Students



58h 58m